We are delighted to have you as a new patient. May we extend our sincere thanks for the opportunity to meet your overall health needs. We look forward to a continued relationship with you. Welcome to our practice.

Chiropractor Corey Nay D.C.

Chiropractor Kennewick WA Corey Nay

While searching for alternative solutions to my problem, I thankfully got in to see a chiropractor. My first visit with him was not impressive. He took a short history, had me watch a little video, and talked about holistic care and the power of my body’s innate forces that he wanted to help reestablish by adjusting my spine.

The first visit I realized minor improvements, but I was reluctant to attribute anything positive to getting adjusted. I can be very skeptical! I did, however, agree to see him a few more times. Through these visits, and my continued care after that, I resolved my symptom and noticed many other benefits from getting adjusted. I was sold on how he was able to help me without drugs or surgery and decided right then to pursue a doctorate in chiropractic.

Dr. Nay is an active member of the Tri-Cities community. He has 2 girls and a young boy along with a couple of dogs, 2 turkeys, a handful of ducks, and the start of a hobby farm. He has a passion for helping find the key to each individual’s problems. He works extensively with chiropractic, whole food nutrition, and exercise therapy and feels addressing the needs of each body is what actually helps his patients get better.


9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm

2:30pm - 6:30pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm

2:30pm - 6:30pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm



24 Bones Chiropractic

10121 W Clearwater Ave #112
Kennewick, WA 99336

P: (509) 262-2706
F: (509) 781-9002